See the food, photograph the food, eat the food.
When I tell people that I am a Food Photographer, that is pretty much how they imagine I spend every day.
I wish that were true! Aside from the fact that a large part of my week is spent dealing with Marketing, Networking, Invoicing, Blogging, Connecting on Social Media, Cold Calling, Accounting, Changing Printer Ink and making Lists, when I am on a shoot more often than not I’m so busy that actual eating is sadly the last thing I have either the time or the inclination for.
However I would be lying if I didn’t admit that on a good day, when everything is going to plan, the popular preconception of ‘see, shoot & eat’ is a completely acurate reflection, and from the raw ingredient to the finished dish, its a huge part of the reason I love my job so much!
With this in mind, I was slightly apprehensive when I was asked to write a Food Diary of my week for the food magazine, Crumbs. Should I tell the truth and risk looking like a glutton using my camera as a passport to indulge, or should I attempt to write a fictional account of a week eating entirely raw organic foods while wearing lycra? With the deadline fast approaching, I realised that being a food photographer who didn’t love food would be as inappropriate as being a gardener who hated the great outdoors or a pilot with a fear of flying, so I decided that honesty was the best policy! Seeing my food diary in print was a little embarrasing, but as someone who plans what they are having for lunch while eating breakfast, and thinks about dinner while eating lunch, it was to be expected…
If you have any questions, comments or are looking for a Food Photographer to take some fresh images for you business simply Email me here:
I look forward to hearing from you.